
about sofico:

from there site:

Sofico is the world’s leading supplier of mission critical software solutions for automotive finance, leasing and fleet management.

With 20 years of experience, Sofico has developed unparalleled business expertise in the leasing and fleet management industry. Our impressive list of references is the solid evidence that Sofico has achieved worldwide recognition.

Sofico used its many years of experience to create Miles, the successor to Leasebase and WebIntegrator.

With Sofico’s experience and commitment, and Miles’ agility and expertise, we are convinced we can offer the best solution available today to fit the strategic goals of expansion of any leasing company.

about the task:

Do a POC (prove of concept)  to actually verify that the technology of GWT is suitable to replace PowerBuilder.

developing a browser based rich client client in GWT (Google Web Toolkit). GWT is way to build complex yet highly performant JavaScript.

The first part will be changing the library of the policy manager made in gwt-ext (that is not being developed anymore) to the new SmartGWT librairy that is based on smartClient.

Second tasks will be making the entire configuration manager in SmartGWT. Now the configuration manager is made in Power Builder with is a technology that is getting a bit old.

About me

I’m a 20yo student @ kahosl. I’m in the last year of bachelor IT.

Personal info:

Jelle Beuselinck

Contact info


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